Disability Aid Dogs
trained dogs for disabled Disability Aid Dogs Programs dog training for aid for the disabled
Meet the Team dog training Aid Dog Enquiries aid dog law & banned dog breeds


Garven Wright
CEO and Company Director
Director of Training
Senior Masters International Diploma Dog Trainer & Behaviourist
Queensland Regional Manager

With having Garven involved with Disability Aid Dogs since 1998, it is with true pleasure he has accepted the role of CEO, and look forward to working together to take us into the future. Being the Director of Training, he is involved with most of our clients to help with those ‘small’ issues of training with their dogs.
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Phone:  0407 731 183


anita DAD

Anita Gustafsson
Company Managing Director
Company Secretary
Western Australia Regional Manager
Masters International Dog Trainer and Behaviourist

Taking over the reins from Alex and Connie, Anita has accepted the roles of Secretary and Managing Director. Working with all in our team, she looks forward to taking Disability Aid Dogs into the future. Being in Western Australia makes phone calls a little hard to the Eastern States with time zone differences, but all efforts are made to call at a respectful hour.
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Phone:  0404 670 805



Rhana Smith
Company Director
New South Wales Regional Manager
Senior Masters Diploma International Dog Trainer and Behaviourist

Rhana is our NSW lady who earns so much respect and admiration from all that know her.  Her tireless efforts to aid our clientele and their aid dogs is utterly amazing and has the full support from all of our team with all she does with Disability Aid Dogs.
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Phone:  (02) 4382 1471



Didier Henri Marchand
International Diploma Dog Trainer

Having been with Disability Aid Dogs since 1995, Henri has taken on the Treasurer responsibility for our on-coming future.  He also is a qualified dog trainer and aids Garven with Queensland’s clientele.
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
Phone:  0418 788 614


Chrystine Webber
Sub Branch Bundaberg Regional President

Contact Chrystine via our Anita in Western Australia or Garven in Queensland.

digital pacific

Digital Pacific have hosted and supported our organisation since 2001 over a decade of dedication and wonderful technical expertise.

graphic designer web developer

Jmax Graphics is a proud sponsor of Disability Aid Dogs. This website is donated with love and support.